Pusaka Indonesia Foundation held social analysis training for child protection advocacy in North Sumatera Province, which was attended by students, lawyers, NGOs and YKSK.
Monitoring and Evaluation Program of Tobacco Control in Medan. CTFK team has site visit to Pusaka Indonesia Foundation’s office, to see the programs that have been conducted by YPI
YPI held evacuation simulation of Mount Sinabung eruption with the people from 5 villages in circumference area of Mount Sinabung, Mardinding, Perbaji, Kuta Tengah, Kuta Gugung and Kebayaken Village.
The protege from LPKA Tanjung Gusta medan still in need our attention. YPI hel socialization and counseling related to child protection in collaborate with The Ministry of Law and Human Rights
Dua wilayah Kawasan Tanpa Rokok (KTR), Rumah Sakit Malahayati dan sekolah St. Thomas I Yayasan Don Bosco Medan mencanangkan dan menjadi pilot project Kawasan Tanpa Rokok di Kota Medan. Pencanangan sebagai KTR dilakukan dengan meresmikan plang KTR yang dilakukan...
With reference to the massive and devastating earthquake and tsunami that jolted the City of Palu and District of Donggala, as well as Mamuju, the Indonesia island of Central Sulawesi province on last 28/09/2018, my organization, a non-profit organization, Yayasan Pusaka Indonesia (YPI), is preparing at least to provide help to reach more than 250,000 people being now severely affected by the twin disasters.